The college has various departments such as :
1) Sharir Rachana
2) Sharir Kriya
3) Swasthavritta
4) Agad Tantra
5) Dravyaguna
6) Rasashastra
7) Vikriti Vigyan
8) Samhita
9) Shalya Tantra
10) Shalakya Tantra
11) Stri & Prasuti Vibhag
12) Kaumarbritya Tantra
13) Kayachikitsa
14) Panchakarma

Besides classrooms, offices & departments extra rooms are allotted for following purposes.
1) Boy’s Common Room
2) Girls Common Room
3) Rooms for Indoor Games.


Institute is continuously maintaining the student-friendly atmosphere including well-equipped classrooms, with facilities like Traditional Black Boards as well Over head Projectors. Library with large amount of literature, 21034 books available on ayurveda as well as related fields, 315 Manuscript, and Collection of P.G. Thesis since 1981 Total of 282 thesis, periodicals, MUHS Question papers collection, E-Library with WiFi facility, adequate rooms with good ventilation, IPD & OPD facilities in which hygiene is kept under tight security. Pure Ayurvedic treatment & effective Panchakarma therapy are the specialities of the Institute which have made this institute a popular centre for an authentic Ayurvedic treatment.”Large amount of pure ayurvedic medicines are prepared and distributed at minimal charges. Institute has started an independent fully equipped CT Scan and MRI Imaging Centre in Ayurvedic Hospital. Institute has its own botanical herbal medicinal plants Garden (3.5 Acre) which has more than 269 species and around 12000 plants. Institute received prestigious award from BMC for Cleanest Hospital.